Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Happy birthday buddy..TWO today -- incredible!! He is 80 cm (35 in.) tall, on the 75% for height, weighs about 12-13 kg (50th percentile) and 93rd percentile for head circumference (Americans must be pin heads :) ) He sleeps 12 hrs a night, has given up his day time nap, can count to 10 and knows most letters of the alphabet. he is essentially a vegetarian and has hardly eaten any meat since returning from Australia, but likes a cup of tea with breakfast. He loves diggers, Thomas, pizza and jumping in muddy puddles! And as bonus, Souths have won more than 75% of their games since he was born. In summary, he is smart, charming and funny. here are some pix from today's celebrations and our trip to Brooklyn bridge Park on Sunday

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